Gee thanx SoulReaverDan, I had no idea what to do with my Kresh until I came here and read
the top rated comment on the page... wow. And now... more random card!!!
Posted By:
(5/5/2013 6:50:08 AM)
This guy is a prime removal target. Either they have an answer in hand or quickly lose the game.
Posted By:
(6/10/2013 10:22:53 PM)
If you're gonna a commander deck with kresh as your general that's based off of sacing your own creatures then a very useful card to add is Hell's Caretaker , I don't see it in many kresh deck lists and it can be very useful for pumping up kresh and trigger 'enters the battlefield' and 'when this creature dies' abillities.
Posted By:
(6/18/2013 6:02:37 PM)
Play him. Play other fatties/removal spells to kill their fatties. Swing for massive damage. If he dies, meh. He's a solid card that you don't really have to build around. That's why I love him (he was also my first mythic). I'm making a more casual EDH deck with him as the commander. It's basically gonna be a bunch of budget fatties combined with ramp. It's gonna be glorious.
Posted By:
(6/21/2013 11:43:03 AM)