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Community Rating: 4.011 / 5  (88 votes)
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@ Totema

"I prefer this to Sakura-Tribe Elder because a red deck can't bolt it as soon as it hits the field. 4/5 for me."

If someone were to cast any direct damage spell on Sakura-Tribe Elder, even if it's immediately after it enters the battle field, you can sacrifice the creature in response, before their spell resolves. You'd get your land and their spell would fizzle because there's no longer a legal target for it.
Posted By: EvilCowKing (12/9/2011 4:52:46 PM)


Nice card. Glad to see this back as well. Get an extra land for the turn, and thin your deck at the same time. I still like Cultivate better, but this one is 1 mana cheaper.
Posted By: LimePeel (7/8/2011 1:40:48 AM)


I prefer this to Cultivate, but just barely.
In my opinion, the T3 move is one of the most important steps to sealing a victory.
Being able to drop a Thrun T3 rather than Dungrove has made all the difference, and I would sometimes need to dedicate at T3 to Cultivate into the proper landbase, which is discouragingly disappointing.
Posted By: infernox10 (10/28/2011 7:47:33 AM)


Good to see you back ol' friend.
Posted By: tcollins (7/15/2011 9:03:52 PM)


Classic solid card that helps basically any green deck. Very readily available and very helpful. The definition of a 4-star card.
Posted By: ExoM7 (8/3/2011 2:45:50 PM)



Actually no, it is not you "may as well have played this." Because in the scenario you described, your opponent just wasted a burn spell that did nothing and you have card advantage. Or at least you didn't lose it by casting the spell. Unless you're evading creature countering spells, or all creatures are getting -1/-1 so you never have a chance to activate it's ability, I generally prefer Sakura Tribe Elder. I like my land and a chump block thank you.
Posted By: OpeeFomenom (6/16/2012 1:35:39 AM)


Yes! The growth is back! I missed this card so much in standard.
Posted By: Osmodius (7/8/2011 5:24:02 AM)


can we get a fresh new art next printing pretty please?
Posted By: lorendorky (1/11/2012 12:09:00 PM)


Can rampant growth be used to put a land on your opponents battlefield
Posted By: jmon027 (9/20/2011 11:41:28 PM)


I want both this and Cultivate!
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/10/2011 12:08:13 AM)


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