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Community Rating: 3.130 / 5  (27 votes)
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I run a 4 of in my blue/white don't get aggro and hope to KS someone multiplayer deck. Works fairly well. I just get a bunch of really crappy 1/1 2/2 and 3/3 flyers for cheap and sit back until someone drops below 10 life and swoop in, literally. Try playing a deck that is meant to NOT pull aggro and see how well you do when people are too busy taking care of the freaking Realm Razer to notice your 4 griffins, 2 Snapping Drakes and Air Elemental that are just kinda sitting there chillin in the back. Because no one attacks the non-aggro deck... Why would you hesitate to block their Cerodon Yearling with your 2/2 PoS?
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (3/10/2010 7:08:40 AM)


Pretty useless, but it's got good flavor text.
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (12/23/2009 11:55:28 AM)


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