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Community Rating: 2.583 / 5  (42 votes)
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I would like it if WotC really explored this side of blue more- enormous terrors of the deep, impossibly ancient and impossibly powerful; capable of devouring fleets and even whole ports on a whim.

I would really really enjoy it it if WotC didn't feel the need to tack on horribad drawbacks to these unspeakable spawns of the depths.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (12/29/2010 11:00:31 PM)


Fun, but too expensive to keep as a pet.
Posted By: nORMAL00 (11/4/2009 9:35:02 PM)


How is that not flying? Its coming out of the sky ffs!
Posted By: psyklone (9/18/2010 3:23:31 PM)


One of the old huge impractical creatures. Pretty much useless now. Grozoth in Ravnica was a deliberate throw-back to this card, but with a less impractical attack cost.

Of course now, Artisan of Kozilek is a much better 9 drop, and Inkwell Leviathan is almost always going to be a a superior choice when Quest for Ula's Temple goes off.

Even in my Lorthos, the Tidemaker EDH sea monster deck, I can't find a way to make him playable.
Posted By: VampireCat (6/11/2011 3:58:44 PM)


You sacrifeced 4 islands to do 10 damage but wait i play a Fog. This is way to expensive to be practical.
Posted By: Ace8792 (2/17/2010 4:45:49 PM)


Isnt the fact that it costs 9 cmc a drawback enough
Posted By: Josh4567 (6/20/2010 11:44:55 PM)


Change the art!! Please! No wait...that would mean reprinting it...NO!!! Don't do it Wizards!!!
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/17/2010 2:40:17 PM)


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