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Community Rating: 2.833 / 5  (3 votes)
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Congrats! You've made it to the secret page!
Posted By: occamsrazorwit (1/12/2012 2:20:04 PM)


Un point de vie récurrent? Pour seulement deux mana? Cela pourrait être utile contre les decks agressifs, et il active Frère de bande d'Ajani.

Très bon!
Posted By: PopcornBunni (6/24/2013 9:24:23 AM)



At first I thought you meant the image would be reversed. I figured it out quickly enough though. haha
Posted By: DritzD27 (8/24/2012 10:22:22 PM)


I still don't know what you mean, occamsrazorwit. How is this a French mirror, besides the fact that it's the same card in French? Maybe it's just over my head...
Also you can autocard to cards to cards in different languages; all you have to do is use their gatherer multiverse id, as those are all unique. Jace. See?
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/19/2013 10:54:19 AM)


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