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Community Rating: 3.467 / 5  (15 votes)
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Aww it's a rainbow!

Seriously though, if you have this in your opening hand and play it first turn, by the time you've used the charge counters, you should be pretty well established in terms of mana filtering and be content with just Blue. Solid card. Would be a lot better without the coming into play tapped but you can't have everything.
Posted By: forumbrowser (6/19/2012 9:00:38 AM)


Yeah, the vivid lands all gain themselves a solid 4.5/5. Good job design. If it came in untapped it'd be nice, if not a little greedy.
Posted By: MindAblaze (7/24/2012 3:48:22 PM)


Untapped would be pretty broken. Maybe if it only had 1 charge counter, but even then..
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/25/2013 5:30:28 AM)


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