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Non-creature green damage is quite rare, and usually doesn't fit the theme for most green mages. And if someone is looking for burn they will usually splash red for the such. Although with this card lies the heavy element of surprise. No one would expect a card like this especially from green. Not to mention this instant against a mass attack could be a game winner against certain decks. Maybe not a main deck card, but against a goblin deck in legacy format your fog turns into certain death for the hording goblins. Not to mention all of the weenie white with red hate will fall to this mass removal as well. It also ruins dredge decks as long as you find something else to control their Flame-Kin Zealot. It is also a nice solution against the Storm deck if they go the route of Empty the Warrens. Can definately find its way into sideboards, main deck don't think so. Just the fact that green has a pyrcloasm should elevate this card to a ... (see all)
Posted By: Internet_decks_lame (3/3/2011 7:52:26 AM)


Well, it's decent as a form of Fog if you don't have one in hand, but really, just use something that boosts your creatures.
Posted By: NARFNra (1/12/2011 6:34:43 PM)


Green mass removal, even if mediocre, is still green mass removal.
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (10/27/2012 4:56:08 PM)


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