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Xathrid Demon would probably be the better choice, but only if you're planning on keeping him happy with sacrificed creatures. Keep in mind that Lord of the Pit will not tap like Xathrid Demon if you fail to meet the sacrificial requirement. This means that Lord of the Pit can be useful in situations where Xathrid Demon is not, and in decks focused on life-gain (to overcome the damage) rather than creature-token generation (to prevent the damage effect from triggering). Consider also that Lord of the Pit's effect is damage (which can be prevented), while Xathrid Demon's effect is loss-of-life. Spirit Link, for example, counteracts the lord's drawback, but would have no effect on the Xathrid's (and would not prevent it from tapping, in any case).
Posted By: tezcat (10/7/2009 3:42:01 PM)


This is the card that made me want to start playing this game. First, I just love saying "Lord of the Pit." Then there's the artwork... nothing like it, man. As far as the suicide aspect, dying to this thing because I wasn't able to control it was so flavorful that it was almost ok. I mean, I started playing D&D/AD&D back in 81, so I got that if you summoned a demon and screwed around with it, you'd die. No cacodemon spells here. And when I didn't die, but used my summoned fiend to crush my opponent? All was right with the world.

This card isn't about what is better and what is worse. This card is about, well, this card. And it has to be a 5/5, because this is Magic, and it's a Lord of the Pit.
Posted By: Morgaledh (9/7/2012 10:26:03 PM)


Lord of your shit.
Posted By: face-fister (6/2/2011 6:33:08 PM)


Moot now that Xanthrid Demon's out.
Posted By: DarkDerrik (8/25/2009 3:49:44 PM)


that s an evil card ,u cant get rid of ıt al so bad card
Posted By: vadaaaa (7/8/2010 3:43:04 AM)


Lord of the Pit
Posted By: R1p_v4n_54u3r (5/27/2014 10:05:57 PM)


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