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Are you prepared to stand up to the awesome might of my Mountain Fish Jasconious?
Posted By: Kirbster (11/19/2010 12:15:09 AM)


I'll hack your Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth!
Posted By: Kurraga (7/4/2011 8:10:02 PM)


Opponent: I play Boiling Seas, now you have no land.
You: And I play Magical Hack, now YOU have no land.
Opponent: LOL U HAXOR.
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (7/23/2010 5:51:50 PM)


This card in casual is pretty ridiculous. My friends' Emeria, the Sky Ruin always seem to check for forests when I play with them...
Posted By: Bigg_ol_FATTKIDD (3/6/2010 10:47:28 PM)


Yes the effect is permanent.
Posted By: Ganryu (12/26/2009 12:48:57 PM)


This can change basic lands into other types, right?
I'm pretty sure it can, since the color of mana a basic land produces is dependent upon its name and type (see Dryad Arbor, Murmuring Bosk, the cycle from Shadowmoor, etc). So a permanent named Island with the type Basic Land - Island will be changed to Forest / Basic Land - Forest, and therefore tap for green mana.

@lateralisone: Okay, but type line is text, and a basic land's abilities are defined by their type. So you could get an Island / Basic Land - Forest that taps for green mana if I'm understanding this correctly.
But then again, if this can't change name, it might not change type line either ... however the Oracle wording says "text," not "text box", so I'm fairly certain that you would at least be able to change the type of a basic land with this spell.

edit: From the rulings: 10/4/2004 - It can be used to change a land's type from one basic land type to another. For examp... (see all)
Posted By: tenkaze (8/11/2011 12:50:54 PM)


I have magic hax.
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (5/17/2010 2:51:31 PM)


is this a permanent change?

EDIT: i'v been thinking, since this and sleight of mind ARE the same perhaps with the new bazaar trader you could give them your derelor sleight of mind it to whatever your opponents are playing then magical hack the mana symbol to color they ARNT playing and block it with some 0/5 and then there screwed...
Posted By: darkcider (3/10/2010 10:42:08 AM)


Good combo:
Play stormtide leviathan, then play this to turn the text from island to swamp. Then play nirkana revenant. Super mana ramp!!

Of course, you can play nirkana, then this, then leviathan. Either way, it's crazy.
Posted By: divine_exodus (1/22/2011 4:56:23 PM)



It says text, not card name. There is a difference between the two.

Hell, it doesn't even say type. Just text. So no. You can't do that. Sorry.
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (5/11/2011 3:31:31 PM)


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