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Community Rating: 3.243 / 5  (37 votes)
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Comboing it with Dark Ritual really doesn't help that much - you spend two cards to make your opponent discard one card. You might disrupt their combo, but you're still costing yourself card advantage.
Posted By: VampireCat (6/2/2011 9:18:21 AM)


this is good on turn 1 in combination with dark ritual
Posted By: DaaNz (3/23/2009 5:46:33 AM)


Dark Ritual almost always generates card disadvantage for the player casting it. It's inherent to the card, and does not make a turn one Dark Ritual -> Coercion any worse than most other first turn Dark Ritual plays. In fact, it goes further than most first turn Dark Ritual plays in lessening the card disadvantage effect of Dark Ritual.
Posted By: humor_love (8/31/2012 7:43:08 AM)


this is nice with dark rit first turn if you make them discard the only land they had in their opening hand. >:)
Posted By: mr8658 (9/22/2013 3:20:09 AM)


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