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This card is actually quite some fun.
In multiplayer games, it results in random chaos. But you ca also build a 1vs1 deck around it. To do so you need:
+ tons of tutors, card draw and mana acceleration, to get this card into play as soon as possible
+ nearly no way to win in this deck
+ cards which put creatures or permanents on top of their owners library. returning to hand is bad, because later on, once you play your opponents deck and he plays this one, he could use the bounce spells to return the creatures to his hand, and replay them. with "put on top of owners library" bounce spells, he cant replay them
+ ways to slow down the game, like some artifact lifegain
+ add Teferi's Puzzlebox. this way you draw this enchant quicker, and once the box and this enchant are in play, your opponent will have his hand shuffled away at once, and draw useless junk from your deck instead
+ add a lot of artifacts that generate colored mana (best they draw you cards when you use... (see all)
Posted By: majinara (2/6/2009 1:33:27 AM)


love this card, built a deck with it once, had 4 drastic revelations, 4 breakthrough, cycle through the deck till you get shared fate, then breakthrough and drastic revelation can grab you a good 11 cards off your opponents deck.

breakthrough is converted to U exile 4 cards,

drastic revelation is converted to draw 7 cards
Posted By: Ava_Adore (2/6/2011 9:12:46 PM)


Tainted Pact. That is all.
Posted By: Alsebra (7/26/2012 11:13:26 AM)


Mana Severance to really annoy non-blue opponents.
Posted By: roguepariah (8/24/2012 9:44:14 AM)


Playing this with Leveler is bound to be hilarious, but it's just as likely to lose you the game as it is to win it. If your opponent casts it, they get a 10/10 and continue to take cards out of your (albeit useless) library, while you get no more cards for the rest of the game.
Posted By: MisterAction (1/28/2014 9:23:25 AM)


I remember way back when Mirrodin was in standard, I was playing a white equipment deck, and the other guy was playing a deck that was based around this card.

My deck was so horrible that he had trouble killing me with it. It was awesome.
Posted By: draco_nite (1/2/2011 6:29:24 PM)


Wasn't there a tournament deck that had no way to win except for 4x of this card? I remember it had Vicious Hunger too. I think it also cut Bottle Gnomes to ensure that the opponent could never kill him with his own deck.

We need more game warping blue enchantments like this.
Posted By: Orim-s_Thunder (11/29/2009 8:18:35 AM)


Fill the deck with some Bronze Bombshells to further kick your opponent in the face.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/16/2011 6:17:30 PM)


Combo with Wheel and Deal for sure, though you'll want to have it in your hand first. So many possibilities.
Posted By: DarkCerberusXX (11/18/2010 2:53:51 PM)


Be forewarned that playtesting a Shared Fate deck online is very frustrating. Be prepared for everything from misinterpretations of the card to whining about the enchantment itself to the lengthy games that can result..
Posted By: tcollins (1/5/2011 12:21:10 AM)


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