I have a friend who likes using random items as counters, including shoes. He would love this.
Posted By:
(5/29/2012 6:50:35 PM)
What were Wizards smoking when they made this? Shoe tree? What?
Posted By:
(11/17/2012 11:53:15 PM)
Finally a use for those Monopoly pieces.... or you could raid your sister's Barbie collection lol
Posted By:
(4/16/2013 7:24:17 AM)
Making a Xanth deck? This is a must.
To note: It's text says "your shoes". So if you don't own it, you can't use it (ie: sister's barbie collection. Go get your own Barbie ^_^ ). I'd be ok with the monopoly shoes, provided it's your own copy of the game, and you have two of them (otherwise, release the smell for the other!)
Posted By:
(10/7/2013 4:14:09 PM)
Very weak in a country where it is customary not to wear shoes indoors. Five stars.
Posted By:
(11/30/2013 1:36:03 PM)