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Community Rating: 3.462 / 5  (39 votes)
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Rather outclassed by Seismic Assault, which for the same CMC hits creatures as well, and is yours alone. Got a bit extra color weight, but this card's 1RedRed isn't exactly splash-friendly either.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (2/14/2010 1:56:50 PM)


I sort of disagree with the last poster, Hellbent decks tend to have loads of quick beats and burn, and you empty your hand quickly without having to discard. But Madness could be a good strategy with this card, I just like cards like Stormbind better.
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (10/3/2009 5:15:56 PM)


One of my old favorites. When Legends came out, this card was used with Land Tax to great effect.
Posted By: lioncubs (1/11/2011 12:36:03 PM)


turn every land into a near-shock for no mana? And they're free to "cast"? and "uncounterable"?

I've been trying this out more recently and it's fantastic to get a good 2-6 points of burn in at the end of the game. Great with Madness cards as well, but that feature is largely unnecessary to make it useful. Combo'd with Wheel of Fate/Fortune you'll fill up your hand AND dish out a ton of pain. Worth considering in any casual burn deck.

In a green/blue/red deck you can also pull the combo:
scouting trek
treasure hunt
land's edge

Turn 4 you're pumping 40ish damage in straight, near-uncounterable burn. THAT is insane. Turn 3 is easy with a Birds of Paradise and something like Sol Ring or Mana Vault.. etc.

T1 Forest, BoP
T2 Mountain, Tap Mountain for 1 Mana, Play Sol Ring or Mana Vault, Play Scouting trek, use BoP and remaining colorless fo... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/24/2011 8:45:38 PM)


This may seem horrible, but it is absolutely insane with Madness or Hellbent. I want this card.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (9/25/2009 8:39:19 AM)


Stormbind costs mana to use, this one doesn't. The primary edge of Land's Edge is dumping land that hellbent doesn't want to choke on (dropping one land at a time makes hellbent sad).
Posted By: Gilgiga (10/9/2009 10:51:59 AM)


Scouting Trek + Treasure Hunt + Seismic Assault = WIN :D
Posted By: Sanderleet (2/7/2010 6:09:29 AM)


{1}{R}{R} is fair for 2 color, so yep, its Treasure Hunt's best friend.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (8/23/2010 6:00:33 PM)


One of only four world enchantments not on the reserved list, along with Arboria, Concordant Crossroads, and Revelation.
Posted By: Continue (9/23/2013 5:06:40 PM)


The flavor of this card breaks the fourth wall. "Land's Edge" is literally encouraging you to throw your land cards at your opponent. Awesome.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (4/7/2014 11:57:29 AM)


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