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This is actually the first Viashino ever, though its contemporary Hivis of the Scale ( originally "Summon Legend") is also a Viashino. Also interesting is that the Viashino appeared in an MtG novel, 1995's the Prodigal Sorcerer, a full year before they every appeared on a card. Supposedly Creative liked the concept enough to add them to the set as minor servants/allies of Kaervek.
Posted By: longwinded (1/1/2012 9:51:22 PM)


Even a toughness pump would really help here...
Posted By: CigarDan (4/2/2011 12:51:53 AM)


Posted By: allmighty_abacus (7/26/2010 8:19:42 PM)


(Creature type rant)

I already discussed animal-based humanoids that use a unique type rather than the type of animal they're based on, you can check out the talk page of Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor for a list of species that do not have a special type like Aven, Leonin or Orochi, which is the majority.

"This is actually the first Viashino ever, though its contemporary Hivis of the Scale ( originally "Summon Legend") is also a Viashino. Also interesting is that the Viashino appeared in an MtG novel, 1995's the Prodigal Sorcerer, a full year before they every appeared on a card. Supposedly Creative liked the concept enough to add them to the set as minor servants/allies of Kaervek." -- longwinded

That's a good start for the topic.
This is the first card with the type Viashino ever printed. This was back in late 1996 in Mirage, still one of the very early expansions, wh... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (6/17/2013 4:29:26 AM)


Yup. Pretty useless as is. Needs first strike baaaaaad.
Posted By: land_comment (3/7/2011 6:48:37 AM)


@Mode: According to your argument, Humans should also be Apes. Which would be pretty cool, but I don't foresee it ever happening.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/28/2013 4:43:34 AM)


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